Week IX: Twitter Thoughts

This week's assignment takes us to the home of the brave: Twitter.

A great tool for business Twitter users is the Advanced Search function. How does it work? Let's see how Mama Sai's Cookies uses it.

To find good connections, the Advanced Search offers a multitude of options. It takes a little time to get the settings just right. Language can be set to English. Dates can be set to the last 5 years or the last 5 days. Since we are looking for accounts to follow, we'll leave the "account mentions" section blank. This would otherwise be a powerful tool for micro-targeting a feed connected to specific companies or products. Meanwhile, the bulk of the tool lies in the word search section.

The Advanced Search allows for a multitude of word selection options. Exact phrases can be included or excluded, specific words can be included via "all of these" or "any of these", and hashtags can be included of course. What a way to target trends, audiences, and viral movements alike.

Our search of words related to "cookies" and "social media" resulted in a wide variety of users and posts. We got exactly what we asked for: users of all kinds who are involved in those key terms, from big companies, to influencers, all the way down to individuals.

Names like Action News on 6 ABC are beautifully complemented by influencers like coder Nicholas Zakas and marketers like Delish.com.

To properly organize these new accounts that we follow, Mama Sai's Cookies can employ the use of lists. A simple set of lists will help categorize who we follow into groups that we'd like to hone in on specifically in the future. For example, our "small" list includes all accounts with less than one hundred followers that are clearly local users. our "medium" list includes all accounts with 100-10k followers, like influencers, highly-followed individuals, and up and coming companies. Finally, our "big" list allows us to investigate and reach big companies like 6 ABC and Delish.com, capitalizing on their already solid foundation.

When it comes to cookie time, the best time is anytime. Tweets to encourage sales to a storefront should occur towards the beginning of the day, no later than early afternoon, so as to drive clients to the checkout line. Meanwhile, for online sales, people find reasons to buy at all times of the day and night, so as long as the copy stays consistent with the time of day, there is opportunity. Overall, it seems most Tweets are happening in the late hours of the evening, when people are winding down and checking their phones most often.

All in all, a brief but effective survey of this buzzing platform.
