Week VII Pt II: Facebook Post Planning

One of the primary purposes for Facebook posts is to engage crowds and stimulate trial. The following posts are a great example of how to do so following the guidelines of Likeable Social Media:

1. Think – And Act Like Your Consumer

Most Americans enjoy their Friday nights, but even more importantly, they enjoy reasons to celebrate the week being over. By talking to the customer with colloquialisms they are used to, a sense of relatability can be established. This post takes it beyond just thinking like your consumer, and effectively acts like them. Not to mention, it easily captures email for retargeting later.

2. Listen First and Never Stop Listening

What's more lucrative than trying to get customers to take up deals is giving them the offer itself. By getting users involved with the page and the product, participants feel more connected to the brand. Starbucks uses a similar technique, and often times they get free product ideas with the side effect of incredibly excited fans upon rare release of those ideas.

3. Invite Your Customers to Be Your First Fans / Create True Dialogue with, and Between, Your Customers

Communities are built through dialogue, not sales pitches. This is the most common mistake of business social media pages today. Instead, it is much more effective to simply ask of users, how is your day? What makes the day special? How are you integrating our product into making your day better? This is the strategy employed by this post, and can often leave fans feeling more engaged and loyal than a simple "Buy X for Y before Z!!" type of post.
