Week XVI Pt I: Future Planning

The most enjoyable platforms to use are Facebook, Instagram, and Blogger. Between these three platforms, content that is created can be proliferated to nearly every other social medium. The format of Facebook posts is easily transferred to Twitter; Instagram to Pinterest; and Blogger to, well, everything!

Because of preexisting familiarity with the platform, as well as a general preference for it, Facebook seems to be the best option for Mama Sai's Cookies. Integrating a MailChimp campaign with the emails received from other platforms would be a great way to keep families in touch with news at Mama Sai's Cookies as well.

In terms of time taken, there is a thin line between too much and not enough. The best argument is to take a few days to create a few months' worth of content at a time and schedule it out, making sure to keep listening, as Dave Kerpen emphasizes, while creating. Spending too much time planning and not enough time engaging is the wrong way to interact with potential consumers, so a balance must be found. At least one hour a day spent on outreach is a consistent, reliable strategy.

Monthly plan:

10 PM Mondays & Wednesdays: Twitter Posts
10 AM Tuesdays & Thursdays: Facebook Posts
5 PM Wednesdays & Fridays: Instagram Posts
3 PM Saturdays: Facebook Polls, Blog Posts
5 PM Sundays: MailChimp email

Total time to plan these is about 30 minutes a piece, or 4.5 hours total. An hour a day, every day affords an additional 2.5 hours to engage with customers every week. Once every three months, an additional 10-20 hours should be taken to plan out all these posts so as to allocate more weekly time to engagement.


  1. Zack, I agree that it would be wise to take time to create content for multiple posts and ad campaigns. I know how busy I get and worry that if I had to do it weekly, it would be put on the back burner. Best of luck to you and your business.


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